

posted on 11.10.2024

Worldpremiere: the family approach / im prinzip familie @ DOK LEipzig

I am very happy to share this news: The world premiere of our German production THE FAMILY APPROACH / IM PRINZIP FAMILY will take place at the DOK Leipzig Film Festival! The film runs in the German Competition, and is besides that nominated for: VER.DI Prize for Solidarity, Humanity and Fairness, DEFA Sponsoring Prize, Gedanken Aufschluss Prize.

posted on 20.08.2024


AUTOBAHN – Wie eine Ortsumgehung Bad Oeynhausen spaltet. Sendetermin auf RBB in der Nacht von Mittwoch auf Donnerstag: 12.09.2024 | 00:15 – 01:35

posted on 09.04.2024

Jury @ sehsüchte filmfestival

Ich durfte teil der Dokumentarfilmjury sein beim diesjährigen Sehsüchte Filmfestival in Potsdam – mit Sue Meures, Gabriel B. Arrahnio, Bianca Gleissinger und Can Tanyol.

posted on 13.12.2023

da kommt was neues… / New Film coming up

Wir drehen ein neuer Film mit ein fabelhaftes Team! Info´s zum Inhalt folgen sobald die Zeit dafür reif ist. / We are shooting a new documentary with a fabulous team! Info’s about the content will follow as soon as the time is right. 😉
Produzentinnen: Britta Strampe, Laura Klippel I Kinematografie: Johannes Praus I Tongestaltung: Alexandra Praet I Montage: Jana Dugnus I Filmmusik: Henning Fuchs I Postproduction Supervisor: Arno Scholwin I Konzept & Regie: Daniel Abma
© Bandenfilm in Koproduktion mit RBB arte I Gefördert von der Bundesbeauftragten für Kultur und Medien, Filmförderungsanstalt, Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg, Deutscher Filmförderfonds I Filmverleih: Camino

posted on 11.10.2023

Moderating DOK Short n’ Sweet pitch @ dok leipzig

I had the pleasure of moderating this years DOK Short n’ Sweet Pitch at the DOK Leipzig Film Festival.

posted on 22.03.2023

NACH WRIEZEN gewinnt nonfiktionale

Gemeinsam mit dem Film OURS von Morgane Fund gewinnt NACH WRIEZEN den Preis der Stadt Bad Aibling auf der diesjährige Nonfiktionale in Bad Aibling. Die Nonfiktionale ist ein thematisches Filmfestival: „Unter unserem aktuellen Motto „Auf dünnem Eis“ zeigen wir Dokumentarfilme, die Wagnisse eigehen, indem sie uns mit brüchigen, problematischen oder zumindest ambivalenten Beziehungen konfrontieren.“

posted on 19.02.2023

Mentor @ Civil Pitch Docudays Kiev

I had the honour to be one of the mentors during „Civil Pitch 2022“ that took place in the framework of the powerful Docudays UA film festival in Kyiv. Four creative short documentaries tell us stories about the war, stories that make an impact, each of them told from a unique angle. The winning projects received a production grand and one year mentoring from international and Ukrainian mentors. The films are now in the last phase of post production – premiere tba.

posted on 17.12.2022

NACH WRIEZEN @ Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung

Die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb) hat den Dokumentarfilm Nach Wriezen in ihre Mediathek aufgenommen. Der Film ist hier in voller Länge kostenlos zu sehen.

posted on 29.05.2022

Jury member @Docudays UA in Exile.

The Docudays UA International Documentary Film Festival is the largest documentary film festival in Ukraine. This year’s edition was to begin on 25 March in Kyiv. It’s no longer possible due to Russia’s brutal attack and the ongoing war. The organizers of the Krakow Film Festival that starts today, decided to support their friends, stand up to cruel fate, and hold a part of the Ukrainian festival in Kraków’s… Kijów (Kyiv) cinema.

I am proud to be part of the jury for the national Ukrainian competition, together with Stanislav Bytiutsky and Devika Girish.

posted on 05.10.2021

TV Premiere! WDR zeigt AUTOBAHN

Mit Stolz geben wir bekannt: Die TV Premiere von Autobahn-film! Am 13.Okt. um 22:45 Uhr auf WDR, und anschließend in der WDR Mediathek.

posted on 19.09.2021


Die Freude ist groß! Der RBB zeigt, zusammen mit fünf weiteren starken Kurzdokumentarfilme der Filmuniversität Babelsberg, unsere kleine Perle FEUERWEHRFRAUEN, und zwar am Mittwoch den 29. September 2021 um 23:45h (& hier in der Mediathek). Ich freue mich, dass ich bei diesem schönen und wichtigen Projekt Regie führen durfte und bedanke mich bei unserem wirklich tollen Team!

posted on 17.12.2020

New film in development

Looking forward to develope a new film with generous help from the German BKM fund: Der schönste Arbeitsplatz der Welt (AT).

posted on 14.09.2020


Watch TRANSIT HAVANA on ARTE, September 15th, 23:55h. The film will be available in their mediathek for one week as well.

posted on 22.08.2020


AUTOBAHN on DVD! With english subtitles. Get your copy here: NW Shop.

posted on 03.03.2020

AUTOBAHN – opening film @Crossing Europe Film Festival

AUTOBAHN opens the section „Architecture and Society“ of the Crossing Europe Film Festival 2020 in Linz, Austria.

posted on 27.02.2020

7.000 visitors in Bad Oeynhausen for AUTOBAHN

AUTOBAHN is still shown daily in Spa town Bad Oeynhausen in their UCI Cinema, and had already more than 7.000 visitors within just 4 weeks! Details & Dates can be found here:

posted on 28.01.2020

Cinema tour in Germany with AUTOBAHN

AUTOBAHN will have it´s local premiere in Bad Oeynhausen at 30.01.2020. This will be the kick-of event of a German cinema tour through several cities. Details & Dates can be found here:

posted on 12.10.2019

Premiere for AUTOBAHN at DOK Leipzig 2019

AUTOBAHN will have it´s premiere at DOK Leipzig 2019:
29.10.2019 – 19:30h Leipzig Hauptbahnhof, Bahnhofshalle
02.11.2019 – 12:30h Cinestar 7

posted on 14.08.2019

New film coming up

After 8 years of filming and a few months hardcore editing this summer, picture lock is complete! Very happy to start the next steps of the post-production of our new feature-length documentary AUTOBAHN.

posted on 29.03.2019

Mentor at Global Short Docs Forum

The Global Short Docs Forum (GSDF) is a initiative connecting filmmakers of documentary shorts with digital platforms. This year the GSDF took place in Ukraine during the wonderful Docudays UA film festival in Kiev. 16 Filmmakers selected from a global call attended a 4-day residential workshop with pitching training, mentoring, masterclasses from industry experts and one-to-one meetings with decision makers. I was one of the mentors this year, together with Qutaiba Barhamji, Flora Gregory, Jean Garde and Dominique Young. Besides mentoring I moderated a Case-Study with Ukraine film maker Alisa Kovalenko and French producer Stephane Siohan, in which we compared the two films they made who happen to be about the same story & protagonist: a short HOME MATCH and a feature length documentary HOME GAMES. We experienced all about challenges, opportunities, methods and lessons learnt.

posted on 25.02.2019

Beyond Wriezen @ Exhibition

An excerpt from BEYOND WRIEZEN can currently be seen as part of the exhibition PRISON / IM GEFÄNGNIS at the Musée international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge in Geneva. The exhibition discusses philosophical, anthropological and sociological perspectives of imprisonment and also dares to ask the question of possible alternatives to our penalty system. In september 2020 the exhibition is to be seen at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum in Dresden and October 2019 in the Musée des Confluences in Lyon (France).

posted on 08.01.2019

65 film festivals for transit havana

With the screening of Transit Havana at Festival de Cine Documental Prestas in Havana, Cuba last month, the counter of film festivals that screened the film stands on 65! You can find the complete list of all festivals here.

posted on 09.12.2018

Research grant

Good news – I receive a research grant for my next documentary. Thank you VEVAM Fonds DirectorsNL!

posted on 07.11.2018

DOK Leipzig

Looking back on a wonderful and intense edition of the DOK Leipzig Film Festival. Besides moderating Q&A´s and many meetings with film makers, friends and colleagues, I had the opportunity to pitch a new film idea at the annual co-production market of the festival.

posted on 15.10.2018

2nd year at Film University Babelsberg

Eight enthusiastic film students start their BA in film directing this week, and I have the honour to be their teacher and show them the wonderful world of documentary film making at the Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf

posted on 05.10.2018

Jurymember @ Filmkunsttage Sachsen-Anhalt

I will visit the Filmkunsttage Sachsen-Anhalt again this year, as part of the jury for „beste feature length film“. Together with my jury colleagues Ola Staszel and Lucie Hollmann, we will choose the winner of the main price of the film festival: an award and 5.000 EUR!

posted on 20.08.2018


Watch TRANSIT HAVANA on German TV channel RBB, August 26th, 23:10h.

posted on 01.05.2018

Selection Committee of DOK Leipzig

I start working as a member of the selection committee of the DOK Leipzig Film Festival this year, and am very excited to all the good films I will see – submissions are open until July 7th!

posted on 28.04.2018

Tutor @ Civilpitch Cinedoc Tbilisi, Georgia

Nine new Georgian documentaries who are at early stage of development will be presented during this year´s civil-pitch at the Cinedoc film festival in Tbilisi. Together with fellow tutors Andrea Kuhn (Nuremberg human rights film festival) and Tue Steen Müller ( we will conduct a 3 days pitching workshop this week.

posted on 09.03.2018

CivilPITCH in Ukraine – March 2018

What a wonderful thought: „Both representatives of the non-governmental sector and film directors want to achieve change in the society, each in their own way.“ – I feel honoured to be tutor at both workshops of CIVIL PITCH (in the frame of Docudays UA film festival) together with Brigid Oshea, Katharina Bergfeld, Tue Steen Müller, Darya Bassel and Viktoria Khomenko in Kiev, Ukraine, this month.

posted on 03.03.2018


The cinema-version of TRANSIT HAVANA will have TV-Premiere on ARTE on March 12th, 23:40h (in France on March 13th, 00:15h).

posted on 09.11.2017

Conducting a workshop @ film festival Cottbus

Today starts a 3-day-workshop for students from different film schools from eastern Europe during the wonderful Film Festival Cottbus. I have the honour to conduct this workshop, together with my collegue Can Togay. Cottbus Next Generation has the aim to offer expertise of market access for students of film direction and film production.

posted on 05.10.2017

Return to the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF

Starting this month, I work part-time at the Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf in Potsdam, the film academy where I used to study. I am part of the academic staff, and in charge of the students who will have documentary classes with David Bernet and Stefan Schwietert and me this year. I am very grateful for this opportunity, curious and extremely looking forward to all!

posted on 25.07.2017

Tutor @ Baltic Sea Forum for Documentaries, Latvia

At this years „Baltic Sea Docs„, a co-production forum for creative documentaries in Riga, I will be one of the tutors of the project development workshop. This workshop and the pitching take place from September 6 – 10, 2017.

posted on 18.06.2017

50 film festivals for TRANSIT HAVANA

This week TRANSIT HAVANA received it´s 50th festival-invitation! We are very proud 🙂 You can find the complete list of all festivals at this page.

posted on 11.05.2017

Trainer @ Civilpitch, Mai 2017, Tbilisi, Georgia

Ana Tsimintia and me will be the trainers during a 2-days pitching workshop which takes place at Cinedoc Tbilisi film festival. We will be tutoring 13 brand new documentary projects at the CivilPich: cooperations between Georgian filmmakers and local NGO´s. On the third day of the training the filmteams will pitch their projects in front of an international panel, moderated by Tue Steen Müller.
It´s gonna be an intense week, as I am also in the jury for the CivilDOC competition at the film festival. I am very much looking forward to this!

posted on 04.05.2017


Today TRANSIT HAVANA is released both on DVD and VOD: with English, German and Dutch subtitles. The DVD is available in shops in Germany, or get your copy online. VOD available here:

posted on 02.11.2016

Curating Filmfestival Cottbus

Proud on my first job as a festival curator – please take a look at the focus Cuba of film festival Cottbus, curated by Wolfgang Martin Hamdorf and me. The programme section features 19 short, medium length and long contributions by international and Cuban filmmakers.

posted on 09.09.2016


Watch the 52min. version of TRANSIT HAVANA on NPO2 in the Netherlands – 14th September, 22:55h.

posted on 10.08.2016

Theatrical release TRANSIT HAVANA in Germany

November 3rd, TRANSIT HAVANA will have it´s start in german cinema´s, by german distributor RISE AND SHINE CINEMA.

posted on 01.06.2016

International Festivalpremiere TRANSIT HAVANA

The Karlovy Vary International Film Festival will screen TRANSIT HAVANA in the documentary competition.

posted on 25.04.2016

German Festivalpremiere TRANSIT HAVANA

Dok.fest Munich shows TRANSIT HAVANA in their international competition. This are the screening dates:
05/07/16, 18:00, City 2
05/09/16, 21:00, Rio 2
05/11/16, 17:00, ARRI Kino
05/13/16, 22:00, Atelier 1

posted on 19.03.2016

Award for best documentary in Amsterdam – TRANSIT HAVANA

In the Netherlands, TRANSIT HAVANA won the Juryprice „Best Documentary“ at the LGBT-Filmfestival Amsterdam „Roze Filmdagen“!

posted on 03.03.2016

Dutch cinema release TRANSIT HAVANA

In the Netherlands, TRANSIT HAVANA will have it´s national premiere on 19th of March at two Dutch film festivals: „Movies that Matter“ and „Roze Filmdagen“. The Dutch cinema release by distributor CINEMA DELICATESSEN will be at 24th of March.

posted on 27.09.2015


VORWÄRTSGANG (Porträt von Imo aus „Nach Wriezen“) gewinner im Kurzfilmwettbewerb Filmfestival Münster zusammen mit „Abseits der Autobahn“ von Rhona Mühlebach! Große Freude!

posted on 01.09.2015

Picture Lock – Transit Havana

After 6 months of hardcore editing, picture lock done! Our film „Transit Havana“ about new heroes of the Cuban revolution goes into the last phase of its post-production!

posted on 30.08.2015

Screenings „Nach Wriezen / Beyond Wriezen“

3x „Nach Wriezen“ in Germany, Screenings in Cinema, Prison and on TV:
– 02.09.2015, Kino Krokodil Berlin, 20:30h
– 04.09.2015, ehemalige JVA Sudenburger Wuhne Magdeburg, 20:00h
– TV: Phoenix, Sa. 05.09. 22:30h

posted on 22.06.2015

„Nach Wriezen“ auf bietet Schulen, Bildungseinrichtungen und Medienzentren ab sofort Beyond Wriezen / Nach Wriezen für Bildungsarbeit an. Der Film kommt im praktischen Paket mit DVD und Vorführlizenz. Zur optimalen Vorbereitung empfehlen wir das Pressematerial auf mit wertvollen Hintergrundinformationen zum Film.

posted on 15.04.2015

Jurymitglied bei „Achtung Berlin“ Filmfestival

Heute fängt das Filmfestival „Achtung Berlin – new berlin film award“ an. Ich freue mich auf 10 spannende Filme im Dokumentarfilmwettbewerb, und darf zusammen mit Annekatrin Hendel und Armin Dierolf jurieren.

posted on 30.03.2015

Grimme Preis für „Nach Wriezen“

„Nach Wriezen“ gewinnt Grimme Preis in der Kategorie „Information und Kultur“:

posted on 20.03.2015

Nach Wriezen auf rbb Fernsehen

26.03.2015, 23:30h

posted on 10.02.2015

VORWÄRTSGANG auf Festivals

Bei der Bamberger Kurzfilmtage und Landshuter Kurzfilmtage!

posted on 24.02.2015

24.02.2015 ZDF kultur 21:55h: VORWÄRTSGANG

Der Kurzfilm ist eine Auskopplung eines Erzählstranges des Dokumentarfilms Nach Wriezen

posted on 20.11.2015

Beyond Wriezen / Nach Wriezen auf DVD

Mit Bonusmaterial: u.a. deleted Scenes und ein Audiokommentar: Regisseur Daniel Abma im Gespräch mit der Filmkritikerin Anna Wollner.
Documentary „Beyond Wriezen“ on DVD with english Subtitles!

posted on 02.11.2014

Beyond Wriezen / Nach Wriezen on TV

11.11.2014, 23:45h, RBB Fernsehen

posted on 05.10.2015

TV-Premiere! 7.10.2014 –> 3sat zeigt in der Reihe „Ab18!“ VORWÄRTSGANG

VORWÄRTSGANG ist eine Auskopplung eines Erzählstranges des Dokumentarfilms Nach Wriezen: 1 Protagonist, neu geschnitten, mit bisher unveröffentlichtes Material! Eine Produktion der Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf im Auftrag von ZDF/3sat